What changed in one year

In Ostoja Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

Zuzanna Żak
3 min readJul 27, 2024

This story was written in a wildlife rehabilitation center called Pomorski Ośrodek Rehabilitacji Dzikich Zwierząt „Ostoja”. You can donate here to support Ostoja. The site is in Polish, but you can use the Google Translate browser plugin.

If you follow me on Medium for more than a year, you may remember the Ostoja story series. Lots of birds, lots of hedgehogs, lots of photos.

This year I’m in Ostoja for just one week instead of two, but I hope to continue the not-yet-a-tradition of focusing on writing more than usual while I’m here.

After I stepped on the platform of Kartuzy train station and got picked up by one of Ostoja’s full time employees, the first thing I heard was “You wouldn’t guess how many things have changed since the last year!”

Martens. A year ago, Ostoja could not legally take care of martens, but it's one of the things that changed. Photo by me.
Instead of a camper, volunteers sleep in a lot nicer cabins (to the right). Photo by me.
Swifts now have different feeding times. Photo by me.



Zuzanna Żak

Field recordist, bird song participant, early morning enjoyer. Use my 🦆 recordings:https://www.pond5.com/artist/ZuzannaZak