In memory of Zoom H1N

All the things recorded

Zuzanna Żak
2 min readMar 7, 2023

This audio recorder was bought spontaneously a week before a trip to fish lakes in Niezgoda. I haven’t had much hope about it, but after it was lost, I miss it probably more than any other thing.

Zoom H1N in Świnoujście, in the progress of recording what would later become Lake 6:42–8:26.

Even if I’m fortunate enough that buying another audio recorder won’t affect my finances that much, I feel like I’m being a bad friend. A bad friend who doesn’t take time to process the loss.

And that friend was nice enough to keep recording while being stranded and semi-drowning on a beach, surrounded by seagulls, in the rain. It didn’t complain about it, was completely unbothered.

If you look at the reviews of Zoom H1N it’s definitely not the best audio recorder to get, but if you read some more it turns out it’s the best to get in that price range. If you’re gentle enough…



Zuzanna Żak

Field recordist, bird song participant, early morning enjoyer. Use my 🦆 recordings: