Here it is: Song Thrush

A new set of nature sound recordings is out now

Zuzanna Żak
May 1, 2024
Fragment of Kalenderblad januari met lijster (1906) by Theo van Hoytema, cover of the album.

It’s been over 8 months since this specific song thrush was recorded. It was still night when I went to the forest hoping to record some owls. No owls or birds of prey decided to appear that night, but a song thrush was there and sang loudly from 3 am until tree-cutting equipment interrupted its song a couple of minutes after 4 am.

After that, the bird song recording was pointless, so I headed back to Ostoja, Animal Rescue Center where I was volunteering.

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Zuzanna Żak
Zuzanna Żak

Written by Zuzanna Żak

Field recordist, bird song participant, early morning enjoyer. Use my 🦆 recordings:

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